Astronomy 310; Spring 2020; Section 01; Schedule Number 20332
MWF 11:00-11:50, Room GMCS 301
Prof. William Welsh
Office: P-235 Physics Building
Office Hours: Mon and Wed 2:30-3:30, or by appointment
Class e-mail:

** Do you have an immediate economic crisis? Please look at
SDSU's Economic Crisis Response Team
** Support & resources on advising, counseling, etc:
SDSU Information for students
SDSU Policy FAQs for
Cr/NC, Course Forgivenss, and Course Withdrawals.
Due to the COVID-19 virus, and out of an abundance of caution, SDSU will be
switching to on-line classes.
For this class, you will be able to view the class lectures, recorded from
last spring, via Blackboard.
Some useful COVID-19 links:
SDSU Coronavirus (COVID-19) Academic Continuity Preparation
SDSU: The Coronavirus (COVID-19)
San Diego County Government Home: Coronavirus Disease 2019
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC): Coronavirus Disease COVID-19
Homework Assignments
Class News
Class Information and Policies
Useful Links:
Astrobiology Sites
General Astronomy
Critical Thinking, etc.

Aha! Life on Mars! Ah, but is it intelligent?? Methinks perhaps
not, based on that hat! But the shirt gives it away: it shows the
molecular structure of ATP. This creature must be highly
Course poster in .jpeg format (note
classroom location & time are no longer correct)
The last major update of this page was on
2020 Jan 20.