A short list of some astrobiology terms (and people) from A to Z, plus some topics specific to SDSU's Astr 310 course. __________________________________________________________________ A- astrobiology, archaea, ALH84001, ATP, amino acid, adenine, AGN, asteroid, astrometry, Apophis, absolute zero degrees, Astrobiology Magazine B- black smokers, bacteria, big bang, biomarker/biosignature, basalt C- carbonaceous chondrite, cosmic rays, carbon, Cambrian explosion, comet, codon, cyanobacteria, cosmology, c (speed of light), Cassini, Chicxulub, CHONPS, confabulation, chirality, core, crust, clay, carbon dioxide, Curiosity Rover, carbonates, "central dogma of molecular biology" D- Drake equation, DNA, domain, deinococcus radiodurans, Doppler effect, Darwin, Doppler method for finding exoplanets E- Europa, Enceladus, extremophile, extrasolar planet, endosymbiosis, ethane, eukaryote, electromagnetic spectrum, energy, enantiomer, evolution F- Fermi paradox, fossils, fusion, frequency, (Rosalind) Franklin, food chain G- galaxies, genetic code, guanine, Gusev crater, gene, gamma rays, Galileo Mission, gravitational microlensing, greenhouse effect H- habitable zone, hydrothermal vent, hematite, Hubble constant, hot Jupiter, Huygens, Hoyle, helium, halophile, hypothesis I- isotope, ices, iridium, intelligence, illusion, iron, Io, isotopic fractionation J- Jupiter, Jovian moons, jarosite, JPL K- K-T boundary, Kepler mission, Kuiper belt, Kelvin L- life, light year, lithoautotroph, lander, lichen, (Elizabeth) Loftus, lipids, liquid water, left-handed amino acids M- Mars, methane, meteorites, MER, monomer, mass extinction, (Lynne) Margulis, M-star, microlensing, mitochondria, (Stanley) Miller, mantle, Milky Way, methanogen, (the) Moon N- nucleus, nuclear fusion, nebula, nucleosynthesis, nucleotide, NEO, natural selection, nitrogren O- organic molecules, Occam's razor, oxygen, ozone, O-star, olivine, organelle, Opportunity Rover P- panspermia, photosynthesis, protein, polymer, Project Mogul, plates, parallax, Pompeii worm, parsec Q- quasar, quantum mechanics R- redshift, RNA, ribosome, runaway greenhouse effect, radio waves, regolith, Rare Earth hypothesis, ribose, rift, racemic, radioactive, RNA world S- SETI, stromatolite, supernova, (Carl) Sagan, subduction, (William) Schopf, spore, Stroop effect, spectroscopy, Saturn's moons, slide rule, Spirit Rover, Sag A*, silicon-based life T- tardigrade, terraform, thermonuclear fusion, thermophile, Titan, terrestrial, tectonics, Tunguska, transit, thymine, Theory, tidal forces U- UFO, UV light, uracil, (Harold) Urey, universe V- Viking mission, Vostok, volcano, virus, visual light, voids, vugs, Venus W- water, water bear, waterhole, white dwarf, wavelength, Wien's law, (Carl) Woese, WMAP mission, War of the Worlds X- X-rays Y- Yellowstone hot springs Z- zoo hypothesis; zircon Prof. W. Welsh updated 2015 Apr 9 updated 2022 Dec 12