Cosmic Crystals

Harness the Power of Creation!

New Cosmic Crystals, born of the fires of Genesis,
now available!

photo of crystals

In 1994 top NASA scientists announced the discovery of the Century - perhaps the greatest scientific discovery of all time! Using the advanced COBE satellite, the research team was able to look back in time and watch the Creation of the Cosmos! The discovery of the "Cosmic Background" earned an amazing four (!) Nobel prizes, and now the power of the Universe is available to the public.

Here at Astrobio 310 Labs we invented a way to concentrate the Cosmic Background into our Cosmic Crystals - crystals from the same Supernova that created our Sun and Earth. The results are remarkable!

Let the Healing Light, Echoes from the Flames of Creation, guide you and align your energy field!

"We are all made of Star Stuff" - Carl Sagan

image of large positive to negative cosmic microwave

An image of the Cosmic MicroWave Background from NASA's COBE satellite showing the Eternal Glow that permeates all of Space and Time! Notice the Comsic yin/yang duality of the Celestial Heavens.

image of cosmic microwave background fluctuations

Another amazing ``CMB'' image, showing the Primal Chaos, the Origin of All Creation!

How to Order Cosmic Crystals

NASA COBE logo For more information, please see these Top NASA Research websites:
COBE Discovers the Birth of the Universe now available to the public!
Advanced Technical details of NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer

NASA's Top-Level Homepage - Do a search on COBE !