UNIX Beyond the Basics

30 June 2001

Copyright, Information Technology Services


The University of Texas at Austin





This course explains how to use several UNIX tools to search for text strings and files, sort files, set file permissions, and perform other operations. After completing this course you should be able to:



·        Execute a shell, change your default login shell, perform I/O redirection

·        Create regular expressions and search for text using grep.

·        Sort files and other input.

·        Count items with the wc command.

·        View and set file permissions with ls and chmod.


UNIX Operating System

An operating system manages the use of hardware resources, the storage and recall of data, controls the flow of data, and provides an environment for application programs.  The UNIX operating system offers an interactive, multi-user, multitasking environment for users and provides for the creation and management of processes, the file system, and communications.

UNIX can be installed and used on many different types of computers.  The UNIX operating system can be used on a CRAY supercomputer or on a microcomputer in your home.  The beauty of UNIX is its portability and consistency across many different platforms.



Filters are tools that allow you to manipulate text.  Filters allow you to perform a task on a file and then filter the changes on to another file. Filters do not alter the original file.

A.      Sorting lines in a file - the sort command

The sort command sorts the lines in a file alphabetically or numerically.  The default sort is alphabetical.  Options are used to determine the type of sort that is used.  The valid options are listed below.



Sort by arithmetic value (Ignore blanks and tabs)


Reverse the sort order


Sort regardless of upper or lower case


Limit sort to field x


To use the sort command, type sort, space, an option if desired, space and the filename.

% sort -f students.doc


1.         Use the sort command to sort the contents of the file students.doc.  Which line is listed last?  Why is this line listed last?

2.         Using the cat command, display the contents of the file students.doc.  Has the file been modified?

3.    Sort the file students.doc in reverse alphabetical orrder.

4.    Sort the file students.doc, telling UNIX to ignore the case.

5.    Sort the file students.doc in reverse order and ignoring case.

B.      Searching for a text pattern - the grep command

The grep (global regular expression printer) command is used to search for patterns in a file.  To use the grep command, type grep, space, the string of characters you wish to search for, space, and the filename.

% grep  nd  test.doc

Since grep distinguishes between upper and lower case, the -i option can be used to ignore case.

% grep -i  nd  test.doc

The -n option is used to display the line number for each string located. 

% grep -in  bush  students.doc



Using the grep command on the file students.doc, determine if the following students took the class. 

                 Boris Yeltsin

                 Steve Allen

                 Bill Clinton


C.      Word count - the wc command

The wc command reads a file and displays the number of lines, words and characters contained in the file.  The output from the wc command lists the number of lines, the number of words, the number of characters in a file and is followed by the filename.  A "word" is defined as a string of characters surrounded by white space.

% wc  test.doc

        55           400              2369               test.doc

            lines       words           characters     filename



1.    Using the wc  command, determine how many lines are in the students.doc file. 

2.    Does this give you an accurate count of the number of students in the class?  Why or why not?

3.    How many words are in this file?


D.      Printing files - the lpr command

The lpr command (lpr is an abbreviation for lineprinter.) is used to send a copy of your file to a printer.  The  option -P is used to name a print site which follows the option.  To use the lpr command, type lpr, space, -P, the print site, space and the filename.

% lpr  -Pfacsmf_lw  test.doc

For a list of commonly used print sites available, type man sites at the prompt.

% man sites

If your file is a PostScript file (produced by troff, TeX or LaTeX text formatters), it will not print accurately on a lineprinter.  A PostScript file has %! as its first two characters and contains formatting instructions that cannot be interpreted by a lineprinter.  PostScript files should be sent to a laser printer (output sites for Laser Writers end with an lw).  For more information about printing PostScript output files, see the man pages (man lpr).

At each output location, output is filed according to the last three digits of the ITS user number.

II.     Protecting Your Files and Directories

A.      File and Directory Protections

File and directory protections are displayed using the ls command with the -l option.  When executed the "long" form of the ls command displays output similar to the sample below.




No. of

file links







Date last


Time last




- rw- r- -r- -





Mar 16








Jan 12




The first character in the long file description signifies whether the file is a ordinary file (a dash "-" character signifies an ordinary file) or a directory file (a "d" signifies a directory file).  The next 9 characters define the type of permissions set for the file.  If permission is not granted, a dash "-" character is displayed.


Character #1


















































There are three levels of file protection - user, group and others.  They are defined as follows:

User (u)           The user or owner of the file or directory.

Group (g)        A defined set of users that share access to the file or directory.

Others (o)       The remainder of authorized users on this system.

Every file or directory in a UNIX file system has three types of permissions (or protections) that define whether certain actions are permissible for the user, a group and others.  These permissions are:

read (r)            a user who has read permission to a file may look at its contents.  For a directory, read permission enables a user to list the files in that directory.

write (w)          a user who has write permission to a file can modify the contents of that file.  For a directory, the user can create and delete files in that directory.

execute (x)      a user who has execute permission for a file can execute the file (providing that it is a valid executable file).  For a directory, execute permission allows a user to change to that directory, search the directory for a specified file and include the directory name in a path.

The number of file links is usually 1.  A directory has at least 2 file links.  It is possible to have a number of directory entries all pointing to one file.

The next two fields display the owner's name and the group name designations for the file.  The group field is left blank unless the -g option is specified.

The group is followed by the size of the file in bytes, date last modified, time last modified and the filename.

B.      Changing File Protections - the chmod command

The chmod command (abbreviated from change mode) is used to change the permissions for a file.  The chmod command is listed first on the command line and is followed by a space.  Next, the set of users whose permissions you wish to change must be designated.  Any or all sets may be changed.  Following the set of users, the action is specified.  An action can add, remove, or set the specified permissions.  The action is followed by the permissions of read, write and execute.  A single permission, multiple permissions or all permissions may be changed.  The last item on the command line is the filename.


possible levels

possible actions

possible permissions

u - user only

g - group only

o - others only

a – all

ug - user and group

go - group and others only

ugo - user, group and others

+  add

-    remove

=  sets the specified permissions and removes previous settings

r     read

w   write

x     execute


% chmod a+rw neon

adds read and write permissions for user, group and others to the file named neon

% chmod o-rwx neon

removes read, write and execute permissions for others to the file named neon

% chmod u=r neon

sets permissions to read only for the owner of the file and removes all other permissions for the owner to the file named neon



1.    Set the file permissions for the file chap1.1 to read and write for members of your group.  Use the ls –l command to confirm your changes.

2.         Set the file permissions for the file victor to read only for user, group and others.  Use the ls –l command to review your changes.

3.         Now change the file permissions for the file victor to read and write for the user only (removing all other permissions.  Use the ls -l command to review your changes.



Another method used to specify permissions for the chmod command uses a 3 digit octal number, with each octal digit representing the permissions for a particular set of users (user, group, other).  The table below provides the octal numbers for each possible combination of symbolic permissions.


Symbolic Code

Octal Number

r - -


- w -


- - x


rw -

4 +2 = 6

r - x

4 + 1 = 5

- wx

2 + 1 = 3


4 + 2 + 1 = 7

- - -



A specific octal number designates each of the possible permission combinations.  A single octal number can be used to describes the permissions for user, group or others.  A three digit octal number can be used to describe the permissions for user, group and others.  If the permissions you wish to specify are rw - r - -r - -, then the octal number can be determined as shown in the diagram below.







r w -

r  -  -

r  -  -


\     /

\     /

\      /


4 + 2 = 6

4 + 0 = 4

4 + 0 = 4


   \ /

   \ /

   \ /






Using the octal numbers in the diagram above, the chmod command would be issued as follows:

%  chmod  644  test.doc


C.               Changing Directory Protections


As with files, directories also have permissions.  To list only directory files and their permissions, issue the following command

% ls  -ld

To set the permissions such that the group can read, write and execute the directory named research, type:

% chmod g=rwx research

Alternatively, using the octal notation, you could just type:

% chmod 770 research

To change the permissions for you current directory to only user read, write and execute, type:

% chmod 700 .

To change the permissions for you parent directory to only user read, write and execute, type:

% chmod 700 ..


To limit access to your directory for group and others, use the following permissions:

        drwx           may do anything to this directory

        d - - -          may do nothing to this directory

        d - - x         may look at files (only files with read permission) if you know the filenames

        dr - x          may list the contents of the directory, look at the files, but not create or remove file in the directory

        d - wx         may create, remove or access files in the directory if you know the filenames (cannot list filenames)


1.    Use the ls –ld command to review the directory permissions for you home directory.

2.    Set the file permissions on your home direcotry so that all users in your group can execute your directory, but not see the contents of your directory.  Now, use the ls –ld command to review your changes.

3.    Using the mkdir command, create a directory call documents and set the file permissions so that members of your group can review information about files in this directory (read the list of files in the directory).


D.               Setting the Protection Default - the umask command


When you create a file, the system gives it a default set of permissions.  The default permissions are controlled by the system administrator and will vary from installation to installation.  When changed, the umask command will only affect newly created files.  To change the permissions for previously existing files, use the chmod command.

The umask command uses octal numbers to indicate permissions that have been turned OFF.  (Please note that the chmod command is exactly opposite.)  For example, a umask command using the octal number of 027 can be converted into the following symbolic expression for file permissions:

rwxr- x - - -

To see what your current umask settings are, issue the umask command without any arguments.  The system will display the octal number.

% umask


Leading zeros are not displayed, so the 22 designation above can be interpreted as 022.  No permissions for the user are turned off, write permissions for group and others are turned off.  The symbolic expression is rwxr - xr - x.

The easiest way to compute the umask is to subtract the permissions that you want from 777.  For example if you wish to have permissions of 644, then subtract 644 from 777 to obtain the umask setting.


      - 644


To change the permission defaults, type umask, space and the appropriate three digit octal number.

% umask 133


Note:         The umask command only effects the current login session.  To permanently change your umask setting, the umask command must be added to the .cshrc file.


III.     Working with the Shell

The shell acts as a user interface that communicates both with you, the user and with the operating system or kernel.  The shell is known as a command interpreter because the shell interprets the commands that you type, starts the programs that you request and works as a buffer between the user and the operating system.  One of the most outstanding characteristics of the UNIX operating system is that the shell is just a program.   You may choose to run any of several shell programs.  The diagram below represents the relationship between the shell, the kernel and the hardware.

The shell can also be used as a programming language.  You can use a shell to execute a set of shell commands placed in a file, called a shell script or shell "program".  That shell script can then be invoked at any time and will perform the listed commands.

The most common shells are described below.  The ITS machines use the C-shell as the default interactive shell.  The Bourne shell, by convention, is the shell used for writing shell programs.

sh  The "Bourne shell" was named for the shell's author, Steven Bourne of Bell Labs.  The Bourne shell is found on every UNIX system.  The usual convention is to use the Bourne shell to write shell programs.

csh The "C-shell" was written by a group of people at Berkeley.  Many of the programming language constructs resemble the C language, hence the name C-shell.  The C-shell is commonly used for interactive use.  The C-shell is known for the three major features described below.

     Job Control      allows the user to switch between multiple processes.

     History keeps a list of previously executed commands which can be recalled and executed.

     Aliases allow the user to abbreviate commands.

ksh            The Korn shell, written by David Korn is available from the AT&T Toolchest.  The Korn shell adds job control, history, command line editing, aliases and subroutines to the Bourne shell.  The Korn shell is compatible with Bourne shell scripts and is commonly available on System VR4 UNIX machines.  The Korn shell is only available on emx at the ITS.

tcsh           The tcsh shell is public domain software.  Tcsh is basically the C-shell with command completion (allows the user to type partial commands which are completed by the system) and command line editing.

bash          The bash shell (Bourne Again SHell) is offered free by the GNU foundation.  The bash shell is bourne shell compatible and offers command line editing, command aliases and history.

To identify the shell you are currently using, type printenv SHELL at the prompt.  In the example below, the shell in use is the C-shell.

% printenv  SHELL


A.      Shell Duties

        Locates commands; passes arguments and control to the command

        Handles the sequential and concurrent execution of commands

        Performs I/O redirection

        Provide wildcards for filenames

        Maintains environment variables

        Handles pipes (chain output of one program into another program)

        Provides job control

        Provides command aliases

        Provides a programming language

B.      Processes

Each program that you run while logging in or working in the shell is called a process.  After the login process is complete, the C-shell process is running and provides the prompt that you see.  At this point, additional processes may be run.  Examples of other processes one might choose to run are the mail program, vi, troff, a C compiler or another C-shell.

In the diagram above, the C-shell represents the login shell.  A child process is a program that was started under the current shell.  The shell and its children are arranged in a hierarchical structure, much like the file system.  The additional processes running under the login C-shell are known as children.  During a UNIX session, you may start as many processes as you need.

C.      Environment Variables

An environment variable can store information that is available to the current shell and to its children.  Examples of some environment variables are shown below.

The printenv command is used to display the current environment variables.  To use the printenv command, type printenv at the command prompt.  The shell displays the current environment variables.  An example of the output displayed from the printenv command  with an explanation for each variable is listed below.

%  printenv

HOME=/home/path/u0/cc/userdirectory   your login or home directory pathname

SHELL=/bin/csh your default shell

TERM=vt100    terminal type, used by editors

USER=username your login name


the list of directories searched for commands

EDITOR=vi       name of your default editor

The variables listed in the previous example are known as global variables.  This set of variables is available to all processes.  The setenv command is used to set global environment variables.  The unsetenv command is used to unset global environment variables.  To change the EDITOR environmental variable to ed, type setenv, space, EDITOR (in caps), space and ed.

% setenv   EDITOR   ed


To change the EDITOR environment variable back to vi, type the command again substituting vi for the ed value.

In the C-shell you have the option to create and set additional "local" variables which are used in the current process.  The set command is used to create and set a local variable.  The UNIX convention for variables is that UPPERCASE LETTERS are used for GLOBAL VARIABLES and lowercase letters are used for local variables.  In the example below, the set command is used to set a local variable g to the value /home/games.

% set   g=/home/games

To display a list of local variables, type set at the prompt.  To delete a local variable, type unset, space and the variable name.

%  unset   g

The environment variables that you will use frequently are HOME, PATH and TERM.  A discussion of each is provided.

D.      The Path Variable

The PATH environment variable is a list of directories separated by colons that the shell searches when it attempts to execute a command.  The order of the directories listed in the PATH variable is significant since the shell will search for a command using the order specified.

For example, if a program is stored both in the /bin directory and in your home directory, when the program is executed it will search the PATH for the first directory listed that contains the program.  If the /bin directory is listed first in the PATH, then it will be searched first and the program will be executed from the /bin directory.  If your home directory is listed in the PATH first, the program will execute from your home directory.

To see the current PATH environment variable setting, type printenv at the prompt.  The shell will display the current environment variables including PATH.

When the shell starts up, it builds a "hash" table listing the commands found in each directory in the PATH.   The rehash command is used to rebuild this table.  If you change the PATH, use the rehash command to update the table and to use the new PATH in your current login session.  If you do not use the rehash command, the changes will not take effect until the next time you login.



1.    Using the pwd command, print out the path to your current working directory.

E.      Standard Input/Output and Standard Error

The place from which a program reads input is called Standard Input.  Standard input by default is the keyboard.  For some commands, if no file argument is specified, the input will be read from standard input (the keyboard).

The place to which a program writes its output is called Standard Output.  Standard output by default is the terminal screen (or monitor).

Standard Error is used to notify the user about errors.  Standard error by default is displayed on your screen.

As long as the standard input, standard output, and standard error defaults are not changed, the operating system expects to read information from your keyboard, writes output to your screen and displays standard error on the screen.

F.      I/O Redirection

Both standard input and standard output can be changed.  For example, standard input can come from a file and standard output can be written or appended to a file.  The characters <, >, and >> are used to redirect standard input and output.  The I/O (short for input/output) redirection characters are used in a command line between file or process names.  All I/O redirection is handled by the shell.

The command "who" generates a list of users currently using the system.  The standard output for this command is the terminal screen.  To redirect the output to a new file named users, type who, the > character and the filename.

%  who   >  users

The table below displays the various I/O redirection characters that are available.

> filename

Redirects standard output to a file

>> filename

Appends standard output to an existing file or create a new file if  the file does not exist

< filename

Redirects standard input from a file




Examples of standard I/O redirection:

who > users

output from who is redirected into a file named users  (a new file)

who  >> test.doc

output from who is appended to the file named test.doc

cat  test.doc  > Saved.text.mss

output from the catenation of test.doc is written to Saved.text.mss  (Saved.text.mss will be overwritten)

sort < student.doc > student.sort

The file student.doc is input for the sort command .  The output from the sort command creates a file named student.sort




1.  Use the who command to determine the users currently logged in. 

2.  Issue the who command again, but this time redirect the output to a file called users.

3.  Sort this file and redirect the output to a file called users.sorted.


G.      Pipes         

A Pipe connects the standard output of one program to the standard input of another program.  The "|" character is used to signify a pipe.  More than two commands can be connected with a pipe.  A series of commands can be connected together, the standard output from each becoming the standard input to the next command in the series.

For example, if you want to display a list of the first ten entries of a sorted list of users on the system, you could issue the following command:

%  who  |  sort  |  head




1.      Use pipe (|) with ls -l to see a list of your files one screen at a time?

2.      We want to see who is currently logged on, but we want the information sorted and displayed one screen at a time.  Use the pipe (|) in conjunction with the who, sort and more commands to achieve this goal.

H.      Sequential Commands

A series of commands can be listed on one command line using the semicolon (;) character to separate each command.  The commands will be executed sequentially.  If one command fails, the other commands are still executed.

%  who   ;  cat  students.doc  ;  more   test.doc

I.        Concurrent Execution

The UNIX operating system is a multitasking.  The ampersand (&) character placed at the end of a command line is used to run a process or job in the background.  The process in the foreground continues to accept standard input and is displayed on your screen.   To start a process and run it in the background, type the command followed by the ampersand character.

%  cc  program.c   &

After you enter the command, the process id is displayed and the command continues to run in the background.

%  cc  program.c   &

[4] 17738

J.       Standard Process Control

The ps (process status) command displays the status of all processes that are running.  To use the ps command, type ps at the prompt.  A list of your current processes is displayed.

%  ps

           PID                    TT               STAT       TIME              COMMAND

           5218 2f               T                 0:01          vi

           7937 2f               T                 0:00          vi

           16462                 2f                 E              0:01                 csh

The kill command is used to send a signal to a process.  There are two common options used with the kill command.  The first option, -HUP sends a hangup signal to a process. The HUP option allows the process to clean up after itself before it dies.  For example, the vi text editor will save a copy of your file before exiting the program when it receives a hangup signal.  To use the kill command with the -HUP option, type kill, space, -HUP, space and the PID number (Process Identification Number).  The word "Hangup" is displayed as a confirmation that the process has been terminated.

%  kill  -HUP  5218


The second option,  -9 sends a kill signal to a process.  The -9 option cannot be ignored and will always kill the process.  The process will not have an opportunity to clean up after itself.  To use the kill command with the -9 option, type kill, space, -9, space and the PID number.

%  kill  -9  10433

The kill command given with the C-shell id will kill all processes within that shell.


K.      csh - Job Control

The C-shell provides additional commands that are used to control jobs or processes.  You may suspend a job, display a list of currently executing jobs, send a job to the background or call a job to the foreground.

To suspend a job, type <Control z>.

The jobs command displays a list of jobs currently running.  The information displayed includes job number and the status and name of the job.

%  jobs

[1]   +  Stopped                                vi  neon


After a job has been stopped, you are free to do another task, for example reading your mail.  After you finish this task, you can resume the suspended job exactly where the job left off.  To resume a job, you can use the foreground command.  A job can be moved to the foreground by typing only fg or fg, space and the job number.  Any job output or screen display is immediately seen on your screen.

%  fg  %1

Before you logout, you must resume and finish or kill suspended jobs.


Often, you may start a time consuming job and wish to continue working on other projects at the same time.  In the example below, you will format a long document using the troff text formatting program.

%  troff  -man  csh.man  >  csh.dvi

After you start a job, suspend it with <Control-z>.

[1]   +  Stopped                                troff  - man  csh.man

Then, the job can be sent to the background using the bg command.  The background command is used by typing bg, space and the job number.

%  bg  %1

[1]      troff  -man  csh.man  &

L.      csh - History

The c shell keeps a list of commands that have been executed during this login session.  The list is called history and is stored in the memory of the system.  History is listed in the order of execution (with your last command listed last).  The number of commands stored and displayed in history is set using variables.  To see the current history, type history at the prompt.

%  history

M.    Event Selectors

Each event listed in the history is numbered   A command from history may be substituted at your command prompt by using an event selector.  An event selector always begins with an exclamation point (!  also known as "bang").  A list of the valid event selectors is provided in the following table.

Event Selector



Selects command number 31


The last command beginning with the letters “ec”


The last command containing “xy”


Three commands ago.



To use an event selector, type the appropriate selector at the prompt.

%  ! 15




1.      Use the history command to get a list of your previous commands.

2.      Use each of the event selectors listed in the table above to execute a command from history.


2.                                                                                                          Word Selectors

Words within a command stored and displayed in history may be selected using word selectors.  To use word selectors properly, review the UNIX command syntax listed below.

% commandname  [options]  arguments

Word selectors are used with an event selector to select a specified set  of words from a command.  The event selector is separated from the word selector by a colon.  The command is always designated as the number 0.  Options and arguments are numbered 1 through x. (x represents the number associated with the last argument in a command line.)  In the following example the appropriate numbers representing the command, options and arguments are provided for you.

%                                                                                                                                                               cat                                                                                                                                                               -n                                                                                                                                                               students.doc                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             >                                                                                                                                                               outfile













If the history line for this command is 15 and you wish to execute the same command with the output redirected into a file named test.word, then the appropriate event and word selectors are as follows:

% !15:0-3 test.word


If you wish to execute the more command with the same arguments, the following command could be used.


% more!19:1-3

3.   Shortcuts

Listed below are shortcuts that can be used when issuing command.  An example of each shortcut is provided for you.

!!   Redo the previous command

%  date

%  !!

!*   Execute using all arguments on the previous command

%  cat students.doc > test1.students

%  more  !*

!$   Use the last word on the previous command

%   cat test1.students

   %   more !$

N.      csh - Aliases

An alias is used to create shorthand commands.  To display the current aliases that have been defined, type alias.

%  alias

h                  history

l                   ls  -FC

To create a new alias, type alias, space, the new alias, space and the name of the command.

%  alias  d  date

To delete an alias, type unalias, space and the name of the alias you wish to remove.

%  unalias d


1.    Create an alias for the date command.

2.    Create an alias for the who command.

3.    Delete both aliases.

O.      Shell Procedures

As mentioned previously, the shell , our command interpreter, implements a programming language.  You can place these language constructs or programs in a file.  These files are called shell scripts.

The shell programming language implements variables, control structures (if statement, while loops, for statements), parameter passing and interrupt handling.  Examples of shell scripts are the .login, .cshrc and .logout files.

P.      Creating Your Own Commands

To create your own command follow the steps listed below:

        Create a shell script

        Make the file executable (chmod command)

        Place the file in a directory, usually the $HOME/bin directory is used

        Alter the PATH variable to include that directory

        Type rehash to rebuild the C-shell's internal table  (csh only)

To execute the new command, type the command name.

Q.      Setting Terminal Types

There are many different types of terminals that can be used to log in to a Computation Center system.  It is important to correctly specify the terminal type so that programs may properly control your terminal.  This is most important for full screen editors and menu systems.  This information is passed to programs via the global shell variable TERM.  You can use the setenv command to set this variable.

% setenv  TERM  vt100

See the list below for some of the common terminal types at UT Austin.




DEC VT 100




Micro-Term Ergo Series*


Micro-Term MIME-2A emulating enhanced VT52


Sun Workstation


Televideo 950



*These terminals can emulate a variety of terminals.  The most common terminal setting used at UT is vt100.

If your terminal is not listed, you can leave your terminal unidentified without serious problems.

Note:         You will not be able to use a screen editor without specifying your terminal type.

R.      Terminal Options

The stty command is used to display the keyboard settings for your terminal.  To use the stty command to display your current terminal options, type stty all at the prompt.

To change a terminal option, type stty, space, the name of the option, space, the "^" character and the letter you have chosen to assign.  Avoid using letters that are already in use.  The best choices are control characters.  You can either type the control character directly or represent it by typing "^" followed by a capital letter.

%  stty  erase  ^P

The erase character is the character that allows you to backspace and correct typing mistakes.  The kill character allows you to erase an entire line.  The interrupt character aborts execution of the currently executing program.